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2023 new voter card list has been published, check your name in the list

2023 new voter card list

The new voter list of 2023 will be published . Besides, several changes have been made in the electoral roll this year. Right now those who could not get their name in the new voter list will be given another chance.

Earlier, the voter list was published at a specific time of the year (1 January). As a result, if a person could not cross the age limit for just a handful of days,

he had to wait for the next year. However, according to the new rule of names in the voter list, names will be drawn four times a year. Besides, the voter list will also be published four times a year.

Voter list has been published on 5th January as on 01/01/2023 age wise. From now on the list will be published 4 times a year. The notification also informs about the number of names of persons included in the final list and the names of persons excluded. The details are discussed below.

To apply for a new voter card, you need to fill up form number 6. Form No. 8 should be filled for making any corrections.

How to download voter list?
To download voter list you need to visit NVSP online portal.

Then click on Download Electoral Pdf option.
Next you have to select your state . Then click on the icon written Voter List .

2023 new voter card list

Then your state election office site will open. And you will get the option to download voter list.On the next page you have to select the name of your district .
Then select Assembly(AC).

And clicking on Final Roll will open the next page. By clicking the captcha code , you can download the new voter list in PDF format.

Go To Official Link

If you are about to turn 18 in a few days, and still haven’t got your name on the electoral roll – don’t worry. This year there will be an opportunity to get names in the voter list 3 more times. That is, the voter list will be published 4 times a year from now.

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