Reckitt Benckiser Group falls Thursday, underperforms market

Shares of Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC RKT, 0.94% inched down 0.17% to £57.46 Thursday, on what proved to be an all-around great trading session for the stock market,

with the FTSE 100 Index UKX, +1.55% rising 0.21% to 7,512.72.

Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC closed £10.78 short of its 52-week high (£68.24), which the company achieved on August 3.

Trading volume (682,302) remained 656,860 below its 50-day average volume of 1.3 M.

Trading volume (682,302) remained 656,860 below its 50-day average volume of 1.3 M.

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