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Success Story Of MBA Chai Wala| Prafull Billore Biography

It is said that people look at the tea business with a small eye, but this tea business has made a young Indian a millionaire, but how…..? Let’s know about that person through this article > MBA Chai Wala | In Prafull Billore Biography , we will know about the struggle story of that young man, so let’s start now.

MBA Chai Wala| Prafull Billore Biography

early life

Prafulla Billore was born on 14 January 1996 in a middle-class Brahmin family in Dhar district of Madhya Pradesh. He has been talented since childhood, he believes that he has to do something big in life, due to which he grows up and makes up his mind to do MBA so that he can get a lot of information about doing business.

academic life

If we talk about Prafulla’s education, he has completed his studies till B.Com and after doing that, he takes admission in MBA in IIM Ahmedabad, but he is not able to complete his studies and leaves the studies in the middle and joins the worldly workplace. They jump in and make a splash through the tea business.

An Idea That Worked

During the academic life, when Prafulla was preparing for the CAT exam, even after a hard struggle, when he could not succeed, he felt very disappointed and thought of starting his own business instead of studies.

During that time, he also worked for a few days in McDonald’s in Ahmedabad, where he used to get a salary of Rs.37 per hour and used to work for 12 hours daily.

Even during the job, he used to keep his mind running, that is, he used to do the job, but his business plan kept going on in one corner of the mind and one day he was drinking tea while sitting at a tea stall, then only the business of tea started in his mind. The idea came after which he lied to his father in the name of studies and asked for Rs 10,000 from which he started his tea business by buying handcarts and goods.

Initially, he used to work for 12 hours in McDonald’s job, but later when he started his work, he used to do his job from 9 am to 6 pm and tea business from 7 pm to 11 pm and When he started feeling that now this work has started paying more than the job, then he left his job and put his whole time and mind in his business and made himself big on the basis of his ability.

story of success

Taking the idea of ​​tea business, Prafulla made a beginning and that too in the form of a cart, in which at first he was disappointed because he was not getting as many customers as he should have come, he introspected and came up with a strategy. Made it

Prafulla was a talented person with a lot of education, different types of ideas kept running in his mind and now the idea that came to his mind, he started working on it and that was the “Puss Idea” of the business, under which if the customer If it is not coming to you then you go to the customer.

Now Praful started reaching out to people with his tea and started giving tea on the condition that if you do not like our tea, do not pay for the tea and this idea of ​​Praful worked, in which along with the good taste of his tea, his The English language made a good impression on the customers and their tea business took off.

In the beginning, there was a sense of jealousy among the nearby tea shopkeepers and there were fights and fights, but their steps did not stop and they kept moving forward, in which they used to sell tea on handcart, later they opened a tea shop in Ahmedabad itself. Took.

There was a huge crowd in front of his shop, seeing which a big idea came in Prafulla’s mind and that idea was a big name which should be considered as the uncrowned king of the tea world and the product of that idea found a name which today MBA He is famous all over India by the name of Chai Wala.

At present, he has his own cafe built in 300 sq. ft. in Ahmedabad, as well as he has franchisees in 22 different cities across India and now he is becoming a franchisee in foreign countries as well. An outlet has already opened in London.

How did MBA Chai get its name?

The full form of MBA Chai Wala is (Mr. Billore Ahmedabad) because its founder is Mr. Billlore and the place is Ahmedabad, however most of the people think that Chai Wala is the MBA but it is not because Prafulla does not have an MBA degree. He had taken admission in MBA but could not complete it and left his studies in between.

By the way, tell one thing that before keeping this name, Prafulla had considered a lot (about 400 names) but in the end he stamped on MBA Chai Wala only, which he really liked and people who at that time Used to make fun of this name, now they don’t get tired of praising it.

income and wealth

If we talk about the earning of Prafulla Billore, then he earns about 3 to 4 crores in a year and if we talk about his property, then his main property is his franchise which is continuously increasing and now the name of MBA Chai Wala is India. It has started becoming famous outside India also, that means its franchisees are going to be made in foreign countries as well.


Friends, there is a saying that ” Whoever has shame, his karma bursts”. In fact, by doing the same thing that people consider tea business as small, Praful proved that no work is small or big, but the people who do that work Thinking is small or big.

Prafulla believes that if Tata can become an entrepreneur by working in iron and Bata can become an entrepreneur by working in shoes, then he can also become an entrepreneur by working in tea and with the same belief, he does this work and becomes successful . .

The biggest reason for a person’s progress is his attitude, like – how does he see a half-full glass, half-empty or half-full, both sides may be right at their respective places, but the one who considers the glass empty, will lose his life. The whole will remain empty and the one who considers the glass to be full, his life will also be green in future.

Those who used to make fun of Prafulla Billore yesterday, today the same people praise him, watch his motivational videos, do not get tired of talking about him. By the way, there is one thing that in reality the business is not small or big, but how and how to do that business depends on the thinking of the person doing it, whether the business will be small or big.

There are many names like Nirma Washing Powder, Haldiram Bhujiawala, Satmola Churan Tablets, MDH Mashale etc. who started at a very small level and today they are making India famous not only in the country but also abroad.

Success Story Of MBA Chai Wala| Prafull Billore Biography

It is a simple matter that there is great magic in big thinking and if you think big, then one day big results will also come out, but only thinking will not do everything, but it will have to be put into action and until the result comes, keep your- You have to burn yourself in the furnace called struggle and the one who does this will be on top one day, surely one day he will be on top.

At least make a beginning, at least talk to yourself, who knows it may turn out to be a matter, after all, what is the harm in trying, because the first step to success is the beginning, and if you want to be successful, then you have to start and For that you will have to talk to yourself.

Friends,  I hope that this article will make your store of knowledge better than before and will also   take you to the category of intellectuals .

So that’s all for today, we will meet again in the next  article  , with a new topic, till then, Jai Hind-Jai Bharat.


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