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Army HQ Southern Command Signals CSBO Recruitment 53 Group ‘C’ in Southern Command

Headquarters Southern Command (Signals) under Union Ministry of Defense will recruit 53 personnel for the post of CSBO (Civilian Switch | Board Operator) Grade-II. Applications must be sent by May 7, 2023.

Eligibility: Should have passed Madhyamik or equivalent and should have experience in private branch exchange and should have experience certificate. Proficiency in English and Hindi is preferred. Age: Between 18 to 25 years as on 7th May, 2023. OBC candidates will get age relaxation of 3 years, SC candidates 5 years and Physically Handicapped candidates 10 years (13 years if OBC and 15 years if SC).

Vacancies: 53 (Gen: 15, ST: 9, ST: 5, OBC 11, Financially Backward 6, Physically Handicapped 2, Ex-Servicemen 5). Salary: Tk 21,700 and other allowances. How to Apply: Application should be made on A-4 size paper in the prescribed format given on the website

While filling the application form the candidate should insert the recent self-attested passport photograph in the specified space. Birth Certificate, Educational / Technical Qualification Certificate, Experience Proof, Cast Certificate (if applicable), along with application form filled in as per instructions with signature and thumb impression at specified place.

Self-attested copies of Residential Certificate, Domicile Certificate and Aadhaar Card and 2 additional self-attested passport photographs and two self-addressed 12 x 24 cm envelopes (with postal stamp of Rs. 25) enclosed in another envelope superimposed ‘APPLICATION’ FOR THE POST OF CSBO, GRADE-II’ should be sent by post

Army HQ Southern Command Signals CSBO Recruitment 53 Group 'C' in Southern Command

At this address- ‘The Officer-in-Charge, Southern Command Signal Regiment, Pune (Maharashtra), PIN-4110017. Reserved category candidates shall mention the reserved category name on the upper left corner of the envelope. Candidate Selection Process: Candidates will be selected through Written Examination and Test. The application statement is available at website.

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