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Business Idea 2023 | Best Business Ideas 2023

Business Idea 2023

Business Oppotunities | Business Idea | Diwali 2023 | Chhat Puja 2023: With a little hard work, there is a great opportunity to earn money with both hands in this business!

Many people have lost their jobs during the last two years. Many are looking for ways to earn a living. Independently, many have sunk their business ideas.

This time they have a smashing business idea. The funny thing is, you don’t even need a lot of capital to do this business idea. This will require only 25,000 rupees per year (Fish Farming Business Ideas). And with this small investment, the trader will be able to earn 2 lakh rupees monthly.

The funny thing is, you don’t even need a lot of capital to do this business idea. This will require only 25,000 rupees per year (Fish Farming Business Ideas). And with this small investment, the trader will be able to earn 2 lakh rupees monthly.

There are some businesses related to fish farming fish farming (Business Ideas) from which a few lakhs of rupees can be earned per month. That is why besides the ordinary farming families, many are showing interest in fish farming business ideas. Besides, the government is also encouraging fish farmers in various ways.

How does this method work? In this method fish (Business Ideas) is cultivated in 10 to 15 thousand liters of water. Due to the scarcity of water, a large amount of space is not required. In Biofloc Technique, fish droppings are converted into proteins. The fish eat them again.

How to get government help In order to encourage fish farmers in this business, fish farming (Fish Farming Business Ideas) has been given the status of agriculture in states like Chhattisgarh.

 Even interest free loans are given to fish farmers. In addition to this, many other states are taking initiative of one project after another to encourage more fish farmers.The use of new methods in business can play an important role. Nowadays, fish farming using Biofloc Technique has become very popular.

 Many fish farmers are earning several lakhs of rupees by fish farming (Ideas) in this way. Those who are thinking of doing this business, or those who have already started this business, their business may grow further in the future, experts think. Mahal.

Those who are thinking of doing this business, or those who have already started this business, their business may grow further in the future, experts think.

As a result, one-third of the cost of fish meal is saved. According to the National Fisheries Development Board, if you want to start a business in this way with seven tanks, it will cost Rs 6 to 7 lakh. However, it is also possible to cultivate this fish in ponds.

What will be the income? In order to encourage fish farmers in this process of scientific fish farming (Business Ideas), special training has been started for fish farmers in several states. This business can be started for only 25 thousand rupees. But for this you need to have a land of your own. It also provides government assistance. A person can earn at least 2 lakh rupees per month by cultivating this fish.

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