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Laptop Memory Card Types – What is My Laptop Memory

What is My Laptop Memory

 SO DIMM Short for Small Outline DIMM is a small version of a DIMM used commonly in notebook computers. 144 SO DIMM pins which support a full 64-bit transfer.
FPMRAM Short for Fast Page Mode RAM, a type of Dynamic RAM (DRAM) that allows faster access to data in the same row or page. Page-mode memory works by eliminating
 the need for a row address if data is located in the row previously accessed. It is sometimes called page mode memory.
SIMM Acronym for a single in-line memory module, a small circuit board that can hold a group of memory chips. Typically, SIMMs hold up 8 (on Macintoshes) or 9 (on PCs) RAM chips. On PCS the ninth chip is often used for party or checking. Unlike memory chips, SIMMs
 is measured in bytes rather than bits. SMMsiseasie to install tan individual memory chips.A
 SIMM is either 30 or 72 pins.
 EDO DRAM Short for Extended Data Output Dynamic Random Access Memory, a type of DRAM that is after conventional DRAM. Unlike conventional DRAM which can only access one block of data at a time, EDO RAM can start fetching the next block of memory at the same time that it sends the previous block to the CPU. DIMM Short for dual in-line memory module, is a small circuit board that holds memory chips. A single in-line memory module (SMM) has an a32-bit path to the memory chips whereas
 DIMM has 64-bi pan. Because the Pentium processor requiresa64bit a path to memory, you need to nasal SIMMs two at a Time. With DIMMs, you can Install memory one DIMMat at a time.
 A DIMM contains 168 pins.
 SDRAM Short for Synchronous DRAM, a new type of DRAM that can run at much
 higher cock speeds than conventional memory. SDRAM actually synchronizes itself with the CPU’s
 bus and is capable of running at 133 MHz, about three times faster than conventional FPM RAM,
 and about twice as fast EDO DRAM. SDRAM is replacing EDO DRAM in many newer com-
 puters SDRAM delivers data in high-speed burst
 DDR SDRAM Short for Double Data Rate-Synchronous DRAM type of SDRAM
 supports data transfers on both edges of each clock cycle, effectively doubling the memory
 chip’s data throughput. DDR-SDRAM is also caled SDRAM I.
 RIMM Rambus Inline Memory Module, The memory module used with RDRAM chips. It is similar to a DIMM package but uses different pin settings. Rambus trademarked the term
 RJMM as an entire word. It is the term used for a module using Rambus technology. It is sometimes incorrectly used as an acronym for Rambus Inline Memory Module. ARIMM contains
 184 puns. The note must use all sockets in RIMM installation or useC RIMM to terminate banks
 RDRAM Short for Rambus DRAM, is a type of the memory (DRAM) developed by Rambus, Inc Where as the fastest current memory technologies used by PCs(SDRAM) can deliver data at a maximum speed of about 100 MHz, RDRAM transfers data at up to 800 MHz.

 In 1997, Intel announced that it would license the Rambustechnology for use on its future
motherboards, thus making he likely de facto standard for memory architectures. However,a
consortium of computer vendors is working on an alternative memory architecture called SyncLink DRAM(SLDRAM).

 RDRAMis already being used in place of VRAM in some graphics accelerator boards.
 As of late 199, Intel has been using RDRAM in its Pentium II Xeon processors and more recently in its Pentium4 processor. Intel and Rambus are also working on new versions of RDRAM,
 callednDRAM, which will support data transfer speeds at up to 1,60Miz. CLICK HERE for a picture and more information on RIMM Installation


 SLDRAM is Short for DRAM, a new type of memory being developed by a consortium of computer manufacturers called the SyncLink Consortium. SLDRAMis competing
wih Ranbus memory(RDRAM as te future PC memory archtechre.But whereas actual RDRAM chips are already in use on video boards and other devices, SLDRAM is still on paper only.
Moreover, Intel is backing RDRAM, which reduces the odds of SLDRAM becoming an important technology.


 .MEMORY (when installing use a ground strap
 .ESD low and high humidity)
 .Mixed Memory usually equals fried memory
 . Parity Errors or ECC Errors
 .SIMMS must be installed in pairs
 . RIMMS must be all installed in al slots or CRIMMs must be needed in unvacated
 RIMM slots
 .General Protection Fault(memory overwrite)
 .Not enough memory (computer is slow)
 .NMI-Non Maskable Interrupt will ause BSOD
 .No Video (Reseat memory)
 .Memory speeds set in CMOS Setup
 . Virtual Memory (Page fault)
 . Chip Creep- Thermal expansion and contraction

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