Madhyamik Exam 2023
Madhyamik Exam West Bengal is the first major exam of life for students of West Bengal. Lakhs of candidates in the state appear for this exam every year. Based on the result of Madhyamik, the students get the opportunity to get admission in the subject of their choice in the 11th.
West Bengal Madhyamik Exam 2023 is going to start in the month of February after one financial month. Candidates preparation and almost at the end. But everyone has to keep one thing in mind now that even if you get very good results, the result of Madhyamik may be blocked due to a little mistake. Both students and parents should be careful about this.
Fake news is circulated every year with some controversial headlines, but this year’s news is not fake. This has been confirmed by issuing a formal notification from the West Bengal Education Council. So no matter how good the marks one gets, or how good a student is in a school – this little mistake can hold their results back.
Every year there are many complaints of tampering or vandalism of examination centers in several districts of the state. It has become a norm for secondary school students. No strict action is taken by the Board of Education in cases of such vandalism. But this time the West Bengal Education Board is going to suppress this problem with a strong hand.
Almost every year, secondary school students vandalize tube lights, ceiling fans, school doors-windows, walls, benches etc. Many times this vandalism is prevented by knocking, many times the students do such vandalism for their own pleasure or pleasure. As a result schools have to face huge losses. Sometimes other schools do not allow candidates from that school to take exams in their centers because of the record of vandalism of students from certain schools.
The notification issued by the Board of Secondary Education has said that from now on, if any examinees vandalize the secondary examination center, the respective schools will have to take responsibility for those students.

The concerned schools will have to pay compensation from their own funds to the affected schools. If the school wants, it can collect the compensation directly from the students. If this compensation is not given by any school, only then there will be problem with the result of secondary examination.
Before release of Madhyamik results, each examination center will require clearance for those who have come from other schools to take the examination. All those schools which do not get the clearance, the students of those schools will be withheld by the Board. Madhyamik result will be available only if no objection certificate is submitted from the examination center.
Schools in the state have been directed by the Board of Secondary Education to warn students about these issues. School authorities along with common citizens are happy with this decision of the Board of Madhya Shiksha.