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PAN Aadhaar Link 2023: Not linked PAN-Aadhaar? How to check if you forget? find out

PAN Aadhaar Link 2023

For a long time, the Income Tax Department of India has been asking PAN card customers to link Aadhaar card with PAN card. In this regard, the Income Tax Department has issued several notifications,

yet many customers have not linked their PAN Aadhaar card with their Aadhaar card. Finally, the Income Tax Department has announced March 31, 2023 as the last date for Aadhaar Card Pan Card Linking with PAN Card. 

If a person does not link their PAN card with their Aadhaar card by this date, then their PAN card will be canceled from the next day i.e. April 1 and they will have to face various problems.

Linking Aadhaar card with PAN card has been made mandatory by the Indian Government to track transactions and identify tax evaders. Apart from this, whether a person has more than one PAN card, it will also be clear through linking.Now know three important information related to Aadhaar card and PAN card link

How much fine to link PAN card with Aadhaar card?

The Income Tax Department has been asking for linking PAN card with Aadhaar card for a long time. But till some time ago this linking process was being done completely free. But currently the deadline for linking has been fixed till March 31, 2023. 

You have to pay a penalty of 1000 rupees for linking within this time limit, only after that you can link.How to check if you forgot to link PAN card with your Aadhaar card

Many may have linked PAN card with Aadhaar card earlier. But currently can not remember. They can easily check online whether their PAN card is linked with Aadhaar card.

  • 1. First visit this website
  • 2. Enter your ten digit PAN number and date of birth.
  • 3. Enter captcha and submit.

On the status screen you will see if your Aadhaar and PAN card are linked.

How to link PAN with Aadhaar?

  • 1. First visit the official website of Income Tax Department:
  • 2. Go to ‘Quick Link’ option and click on ‘Link Aadhar’ option.
  • 3. Enter your PAN number, Aadhaar number and name.
  • 4. Then fill the captcha code and click on ‘Link Aadhar’ option.

After that you can complete this process by paying 1000 rupees online.

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