Refunding Railway Group-D Exam Fee
Recently, Railway Recruitment Board has published a Group D Fee Refund Notice (RRB Group-D Fee Refund Notice). Candidates who applied for Railway Group D Exam and appeared for the exam will get refund of application fee.
Group D examination for Level-1 posts under RRC-01/2019 started last year from 17.08.2022 to 11.10.2022. All the candidates who appeared for the examination during this period, will be given the examination fee refund (RRB Group D Fee Refund) by the Railway Recruitment Board.
Candidates were asked to submit bank account details while applying for Railway Recruitment Board Group D Exam. It was said that a part of the application fee will be refunded to the candidates who appear for the exam.
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But that process happened almost four years ago today. Bank account details of many candidates may change during this long time gap. Also on checking the bank account statement, it was found that the fee has been paid multiple times from the same number and the IFSC code of several banks has also changed.
Therefore, if the candidates re-confirm their bank account details and update the new details, then the examination fee can be refunded correctly by the Railway Recruitment Board.
The Railway Recruitment Board has given an opportunity to all the candidates appearing in the examination to change their bank account details. Accordingly a link has been provided in the official notification of the Railway Recruitment Board. Through this link the candidates can update their new bank account details.

New details can be updated from 14.04.2023 (10.00 AM) to 30.04.2023 (05.00 PM).
Link: Click Here