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SIM Swap Fraud 2023 : One Miscall Will Empty Bank Account, New Trap For Fraudsters, Be Aware In Advance

SIM Swap Fraud

SIM-Swap Fraud: Crores disappear from bank accounts with just one missed call. SIM-Swap Fraud is increasing day by day in India. These scams continue to steal personal information using methods of phishing, vishing and smishing. Once fraudsters have the correct information, they use it to create fake IDs. Then they block the original SIM by issuing a duplicate SIM card. and takes access to the victim’s account and OTP.

How can you detect fraud calls?

  • Cybercriminals usually cheat by offering free upgrade from 3G to 4G.
  • Also scams by offering extra benefits, lotteries and bank details verification on various internet packages.
  • And this way, once the correct information is given, fraudsters can take the entire amount from the bank account.

How to save yourself?

  • Avoid sharing important personal information with anyone.
  • Always use strong passwords for everything online.
  • Maintain a fixed withdrawal limit from the bank account.
  • If there is bad network in your area then stop net banking immediately.
  • Or you can contact the operator.

SIM-Swap Fraud in detail

An official of the Bank’s anti-fraud department said, firstly, fraudsters fake their target’s identity documents. Then report the loss of that person’s SIM card directly to the police station using his identity document. Once the diary entry is made, they again contact the telecom service with GD for a new SIM. Now a new SIM card is issued, the old one is automatically blocked even though it is still with the owner. Then crores of rupees disappeared from the person’s account unknowingly.

Incidentally, people have already lost billions of rupees due to SIM-Swap Fraud. According to a recent incident, a resident of Mumbai has lost nearly 1.7 crore rupees for a small mistake. On the other hand, a businessman in Delhi has also been a victim of fraud of Rs 50 lakhs. And such frauds are not limited to India. Because the FBI has already reported that there were 1,611 allegations of SIM swap fraud in 2021 alone. In that case, it is estimated that about $68 million or 544 crores of fraud has taken place.

Same incident in Kolkata?

– Recently, a Kolkata-based businessman fell victim to an online SIM swapping scam. He has lost more than 72 lakh rupees Two people were also arrested in this incident. According to a report, cybercriminals fraudulently accessed the merchant’s SIM card and withdrew over Rs 72 lakh from the bank account.

SIM Swap Fraud 2023
SIM Swap Fraud 2023

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