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The good news is that the school teachers will get a promotion! Find out in detail in this report

For so long there was only promotion system in other departments. This promotion will also start in the school. Yes you heard right. A new way of promotion will start for teachers. Arrangements have already been made to form a committee of six members which will decide on the promotion. Some new posts like Associate Teacher, Senior Teacher are going to come.

This system is going to be done on the initiative of the Chief Minister of the state. It is known that some new posts are coming for school teachers like Assistant Professor, Associate Professor. Now the promotion system is coming to the school which was earlier only for the professors. It is envisaged that a final report will be submitted to Bikash Bhawan.

If you have question about promotion but will it have any merit. Then the answer is yes. Certain qualifications are required for promotion. Which you are told in detail below.

1) If a teacher has any books written by himself then he will be given special importance for promotion.

2) The role of the school teacher will be investigated.

3) As a role of that teacher in the school it will be seen what kind of work he does i.e. whether he takes his classes regularly, whether he fulfills his duties, what is his study policy, he will be given promotion depending on these various things.

The six-phase committee has been busy discussing this issue. The opposition party, namely Congress President Adhir Ranjan Choudhury, has already started using various phrases. According to him, the teachers of this country are already humiliated. If there is no transparency in the promotion process, the teachers will suffer more.

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