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WB Bangla Shasya Bima Scheme 2022

Bangla Shasya Bima Yojana

Every person chooses some work for their livelihood. But the farmers of our rural Bengal, their main source of income is agriculture. Moreover, all their needs starting from livelihood are fulfilled on this agriculture. So they love their agriculture the most and with all their hard work produce beautiful and beautiful crops, which meet the food needs of the common people.

People from all walks of life contribute to our lives in different ways. Our farmer friends are most helpful. If they give up farming then we have to starve to death. So the importance of farmers should be understood in advance, otherwise, the future may be very dark.


And so the West Bengal government has launched the West Bengal Crop Insurance Scheme considering all the benefits and hardships of the farmers. Many times farmers suffer a lot due to various natural calamities. It is not clear how many farmers were forced to commit suicide for that. So that such a situation does not happen again in the future, the crop insurance scheme is expected to show a lot of hope. Bangla crop insurance will become a new light in the life of farmers, it is known.

There are many farmers who are farming with loans from banks. Because nowadays farming costs a lot, from buying seeds to land preparation, tractors, tillage, labor costs, pesticides to harvesting. That cost is almost negligible for many. For that, he has to take a loan from the bank.

And when that crop is destroyed for some reason, as a result of which the loan taken from the bank cannot be paid in any way for not being sold. As a result, many farmers became depressed and broke. The Chief Minister of West Bengal, Hon’ble Mamata Banerjee, has come up with this insurance scheme to protect farmers’ crops, which is called “Bangla Shasya Bima Scheme”.

Bengal Crop Insurance Scheme 2022:

In our rural Bengal, field after field is filled with different types of crops, that is, farmers produce crops to meet their food needs, which crops are often damaged due to natural calamities.

The crop is insured before the damage occurs, so that if all your crops are damaged in the disaster, you can or will get a fair amount of money as compensation. And its full responsibility is taken by West Bengal Government and it is absolutely free.

Bangla Crop Insurance 2022 (Bangla Shasya Bima 2022):

It has already been said that we are nothing to natural calamities, so to speak we can be swept away like straw. That is why the West Bengal government has created a scheme to cover the loss of farmers due to crop loss due to natural calamities.

The money that the government spends on farmers is called Bengali crop insurance . Which is given to the farmers as storage or compensation for this crop. The best news is that through this crop insurance, farmers will get the insurance money without spending any money.

Bengal Crop Insurance can cover any crop:

We have different types of farming in West Bengal. At this time, the question may arise in your mind that as a result of the production of different types of crops, how can you understand that if a crop is damaged, you can get insurance money as compensation, right?

In this regard, it is good to mention that the crop insurance on which the West Bengal government has mandated is:- Paddy, wheat, mustard, lentil, groundnut and potato crops can be insured. So you understand that if all these crops are damaged, you can insure them or get the insurance money.

Bengal Crop Insurance Premium:

If you are insuring Bengali crops, then you have to pay the premium. If you are cultivating potatoes and sugarcane, you will have to pay a premium of 4.95%. Premayam is fixed for these two crops only.

What is the amount of Bengal crop insurance for damaged crops:

If upto 75% of your crop is lost then you can get maximum 25% compensation as per insurance.And if farmers in hilly areas have applied, in that case, if up to 75% of the crop is destroyed, then they can get up to 50% compensation. Because farming in hilly areas is very risky.

How to Apply for Bangla Crop Insurance Scheme:

If most of the farmers are not able to apply online, then Kho Boi can easily apply for this Bengali crop insurance scheme through offline. In that case you can go to your local agriculture department or regional office to collect the form and submit the complete information correctly.

Besides, if you want to apply online then you can apply online through this official website

Apart from this, you can check the Bengali crop insurance status by entering the voter card ID number by clicking on the farmer corner option on this website.

Bengali Crop Insurance Scheme application documents or papers:

  • Xerox of Aadhaar Card.
  • Xerox copy of voter ID card.
  • Xerox of bank passbook.
  • Bank account number with photo of bank pass book will be required.
  • Recent khatian or copy xerox.
  • Plantation certificate of agriculturists in your area will need to be signed along with it.
  • Also, if you are a sharecropper, you will need information about land rights and the signature of the Gram Panchayat head of your area.

Who can apply for Bangla Crop Insurance Scheme:

  • The applicant farmer must be a resident of West Bengal.
  • Must have cultivable land in own name.
  • If the farmer is a sharecropper, he can still apply.
  • Not only this, farmers cultivating rented land can also apply for this insurance scheme.
  • Farmer must be at least 18 years of age.
  • If you have applied for any other crop insurance scheme, you cannot apply for Bangla Shasya Bima Scheme .
  • Whether male or female, anyone can apply if they have cultivable land in their name.
  • Farmer’s Voter ID Card and Aadhaar Card.

  • It should have bank account number with it.
  • Besides, if there is any land in the name of a farmer, xerox copies of land registration papers, pattas, documents should be submitted.
  • And if you are a sharecropper or if you are cultivating on someone else’s land, then you have to submit a certificate of right to the land.

So whether online or offline, every farmer can apply for this Bangla Shasya Bima Scheme (WB Bangla Shasya Bima Scheme) through some documentation. You will get money for your crop compensation in your bank account. But for that you have to apply first for this scheme.

The West Bengal State Government has launched this scheme considering all the advantages and disadvantages of the farmers . And it is expected that this plan will help the farmers a lot.

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