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WB Police Lady Constable recruitment in 2023,1420 people will be taken, see details

WB Police Lady Constable recruitment in 2023 Apply Details

1,420 young women are being recruited for the post of ‘Women Constable’ in West Bengal Police. Madhyamik passed girls can apply from any board recognized by the State Government or Central Government. Candidates with higher educational qualification are also eligible to apply. West Bengal Police NVF, Home Guard or, Civic Volunteers candidates are also eligible. Age should be between 18 to 30 years as on 1-1-2023.

Schedulers 5 years, O.B.C. Community candidates 3 years and N.V.F. And home guard workers will get age relaxation as per government norms. Schedule of other states and O.B.C. Certificate holders will not get any age relaxation and they will have to apply as ‘General Candidate’. Body size should be at least 160 cm tall (152 in case of Gorkha, Garhwali, Rajvanshi, Tapshili tribes).

Weight should be 49 kg for 160 cm height and 45 kg for 152 cm height. In all cases vision should be 6/6 without glasses and with glasses. Must have physical and mental fitness. Those with broken knees, flat feet, varicose veins or, tarry vision are not eligible to apply. In original mine: Tk. 22,700-58,500. Vacancies : 1,420 (Gen: 343, Gen: EC 227, Gen: Home Guard/N.V.F. 113, Gen: Civic Volunteer 71, Gen: Sportsman 28, TJ: 141, TJ: EC 100,

Tahja: Home Guard/N.V.F. 42, Tahuj: Civic Volunteer 29, Tahuj: 28, Tahuj: E.C. 29, Home Guard/N.V.F. 14, Tahaza: Civic Volunteer 14, O.B.C. A Category 57, O.B.C. A category E.C. 42, OBC-A Category Home Guard / NVF. 29, Category Civic Volunteer in O.B.C. 14, O.B.C. B Category 43, O.B.C. – B Category E.C. 28, O.B.C..-B Category Home Guard / N.V.F. 14, O.B.C. -B Civic Volunteer 14.

Candidates will be selected by ‘West Bengal Police Recruitment Board’. There will be total 4 stages of examination. First there will be preliminary examination. Physical ability test if successful in this test. If successful in that written mains exam. Then there will be a personality test.

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After scrutinizing the applications, shortlisted candidates will be called for preliminary written test first. This exam will have objective multiple choice type questions of 100 marks on these subjects (a) General Awareness and General Knowledge 40 marks, (b) Elementary Mathematics – 30 marks, (c) Reasoning – 30 marks. There is negative marking. 1 mark will be deducted from the marks obtained for wrong answers to 4 questions. Question will be in Bengali and Nepali language.

Qualifying this exam will call for physical fitness and physical efficiency test (Physical Efficiency Test). Physical measurement test will look at height, weight, age etc. If the physical fitness test is passed (qualifying) then the ‘Physical Ability’ test will be conducted. This test will consist of 800 meters run in 4 minutes 30 seconds. The timing of the run will be seen on the radio frequency identification device. Final written exam if qualified in these two tests.

The Main Written Examination of 85 marks will have objective multiple choice type questions on the following subjects: (a) General Awareness and General Knowledge-25 marks, (b) English – 10 marks, (c) Elementary Mathematics (Secondary Standard) – 25 marks, (d) Reasoning and Logical Analysis – 25 marks. There is negative marking. 1 mark will be deducted from the marks obtained for wrong answers to 4 questions. Question will be in Bengali and Nepali language

If you qualify in the written main exam, you will have an interview of 15 marks. General Awareness questions will be asked in the interview. Marks obtained in written main test and interview will be seen while preparing the merit list. Then there will be a medical examination. The medical examination will be conducted in selected hospitals of the state government. Chest x-ray and other body tests will be done by the Health and Family Welfare Department, Government of West Bengal. At the end there will be certificate verification. If selected will be sent for training in Police Training School. You can download the e-admit card from the website.

Apply online, between 23rd April to 22nd May. On this website:, https:// a valid e-mail id. have to stay Also scan passport size color photo (between 10-50 KB) and signature (between 5-20 KB). Size of photo should be between 4.5×3.5 cm and signature between 1.7×9.2 cm. The background of the photo should be white. First go to the above website and submit all the information and the name will be registered. Then deposit 193 (43 if schedule) for exam fee to net banking, debit card, credit card.

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Then upload the scanned photo and signature. After applying online, receipt with registration number will be generated and system generated application form will be printed. The registration number on it should be kept carefully. If there is any difficulty in filling the form, you can contact this number: 033-23214200. If there is any mistake after filling the form, you can correct it between 26th May to 1st June.

WB Police Lady Constable recruitment in 2023

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