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Why do clocks in watch shops always show 10 o’clock? Know the real reason

When we go to any watch shop or watch showroom, we see many types of watches on the wall. But if you notice one thing in particular, you will find that almost every clock has ten minutes to ten o’clock. You may wonder if it is given like that or there is a reason behind it! (Why do clocks in watch shops always show 10 o’clock?)

There are several reasons why watch shop clocks say ten minutes to ten. I am going to share that information in this post. These reasons have some anecdotal as well as some scientific rationale.

1. Many have the idea that manufacturers may have a rule of thumb as the market factor in watches. Because of that rule they keep the time as 10:10 while selling the watch or sending it to a showroom.

2. According to many, when a clock strikes ten minutes to ten, the hour hand and minute hand of the clock look like many English V’s. The symbol V is often a symbol of victory. Many people think that this is why the clock is set to ten minutes.

3. Many people think that when the clock is at ten minutes to ten, the hands of the clock are in such a way that it looks like the clock is smiling. However, many are skeptical about how logical or logical this statement is.

4. Many people think that when the hands of the clock are at ten minutes to ten, there is a lot of space at the bottom of the clock in which company manufacturers can easily write their company name and other details and the writing can be easily seen by others.

5. The atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan at exactly ten minutes past ten. Many believe that ten minutes of this clock are dedicated to people who have died at that time. Many consider it as one of the ways to express sympathy for those dead people.

The Science Behind Why Watches are Set to 10:10 in Advertising Photos

6. This time was also on the pocket watch of American President Abraham Lincoln when he was shot. From there it may have been customary to strike ten minutes to the clock.

However, the exact reason cannot be said with absolute certainty. But presumably for the above reasons, clocks in watch shops or watch showrooms are usually set to ten to ten minutes.

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